Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The awe and wonder of birthdays

I do not really enjoy most birthday parties: people come together for food, give presents to whosoever’s birthday is celebrated, and wish him or her a “Happy Birthday”. In Christian circles we might add a short prayer, asking God to bless that person throughout the coming year. Now, there is nothing wrong with good food, presents and prayers. But if that is all there is, the occasion remains like a celebration of a rich harvest without thanking the One who makes all things grow; it is like looking at nature, marveling at the countless species of animals and plants without ever thinking of the one who created them; like delighting in a symphony without honoring its composer or like being impressed by a magnificent building without realizing that there must be an architect who drew the plans. It sounds silly, but that is exactly what we tend to do. We worship created things rather than the Creator!

David, the great king of Israel, had a different perspective. He prayed:

“For you, LORD, created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

Every birthday should be a Thanksgiving Day, an opportunity to thank God for creating an absolutely perfect, miraculous human being, made in his own image, so precious to him that he gave his own son to die on a cross in order to redeem us from the powers of darkness, pride and evil that try to keep us from everything our souls long for -  from the moment we are conceived until we die.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, angels appeared in the sky, gave glory to God and challenged the shepherds in the field to do so as well. I think that every birth is surrounded by great awe and wonder in heaven, no matter whether the newborn is male or female, whether it is Asian or Caucasian, born in or out of wedlock, into poverty or riches and no matter whether it is born to Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or Buddhist parents, may they live in Gaza or in China, on the Red Sea or the Black one: A new soul, a unique personality with needs, dreams and a deep longing to be loved and to love has been born!

Therefore, instead of just wishing each other a “Happy Birthday", let us celebrate our birthdays by thanking God and by worshipping Him, our maker, for giving us a brother/sister, friend, neighbor, … - a gift He and we can delight in.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Hear, O Israel!

   When the nation of Israel was founded 75 years ago, many people thought it would be the long desired safe haven for the Jewish people. However, on October 7th 2023, the world woke up to the reality that even the best, most powerful military equipment, paired with the best intelligence services in the world were not able to provide the hoped for, impenetrable shelter for its citizens. The Bible promises Israel only one safe haven, and that is not the "Iron Dome", but it is the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" (Proverbs 18:10). If you really want to help Israel and if you want to see true peace come to the Middle East, you should pray for Israel  to turn to the LORD: 

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD alone! Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Fear the LORD your God, serve him only, for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land" 

(Deuteronomy 6:4.13-15). 

   The overwhelming majority of the worldwide about 14 million Jews, still reject the Messiah, the One whom the LORD sent to be the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Remarkably, the rejection of Jesus is the one thing that Israel has in common with all Muslims. This hatred of Jesus will eventually somehow unite Jews and Muslims (and all other gentiles), but only when they turn to Jesus will Jews and Muslims be able to make true peace with one another. We, the church, are the only ones who can call both sides to turn to Jesus, and thus be reconciled with God. His love and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus are the only powers that can wipe away the hatred in the hearts of people. So let us not talk about Israel´s "right to defend itself" (it certainly has this right, but, as the Bible teaches, God´s people should not take revenge, but leave room for God´s wrath!), and neither let us speculate about "political solutions" for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict -  there is none. True peace is only found in Jesus Christ!

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Apotheosis of George Washington

The Apotheosis of Washington?? Apotheosis literally means "the process (or moment) of becoming (a) god". This painting by the Italian-born artist Constantino Brumidi shows George Washington ascending to heaven, taking his place among ancient Roman "gods" like Neptune, Mercury and Minerva. It is located not in the hidden corner of some obscure Museum of Conspiracies, but for all the world to see in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, covering 4,664 sq.ft. (433 m2). 

This is another blatant pointer to the true foundation of the USA, besides many other heathen, Masonic, non-Christian symbolism in culture and architecure, from the Statue of 'Liberty' in New York, to the Egyptian obelisk of the Washington Monument and the all-seeing eye on the 1-$ bill. Christians must distance  themselves from any of these symbols and 'works of art', because they do not honor the one true God, the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but they are expressions of rebellion against him, abominations for which his wrath comes and rivival tarries!

Official website of the Architect of the Capitol, the organization that is responsible for the upkeeping and presentation of the Capitol and its works of art. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Following Jesus?

If the Jesus whom you are following has not led you to the Father:


Jesus said: "I am the way the truth and the life,  nobody comes to the Father but through me" (John 14:6).  Jesus´ heart  is to bring those whom he loves to get to know his Father. Many have gone out claiming that they are Jesus, the Christ who was to come to reconcile man to God. If your Jesus has not introduced you to the Father, he is not the real thing, but a demon masquerading as an angel  of light, or a human construct, for the best. Satan will be content as long as you think that you are following Jesus. The real Jesus, however, will deliver what he promised: He will bring you to the Father - and you will KNOW that you know Him! So:

Stop following the wrong guy and the wrong people, no matter, whom they claim to be and how long they have been around, because they themselves do not  know the Father! 

We are told to test the spirits (1. John 4:1) - so you will not offend the real Jesus by testing him, but the fake one, posing as the real one, will have to show his real face to you. Just tell him to pack and leave, and determine to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, expecting him to bring you into the Father´s presence - that´s why he came and died on the cross for! 

Monday, June 13, 2022

Abuse in the Catholic church

Germany: Study uncovers widespread sexual abuse in Münster diocese

A university study found at least 610 underage victims were abused by clergy in the western German diocese. With many cases going unreported, researchers estimate the actual number of victims could be 10 times as high. READ MORE 

Praying for priests, kids and adult members of the Roman Catholic Church again today.

My heart breaks about news like this, because I know how easy it is to be tempted and to fall in this area. I know the father-heart of God for the victims, as well as the mercy that´s available for those who fell. But I also know that there will be severest judgment for all who do not repent and those who cover up these atrocities.

As for the Catholic Church as a whole, each case like this is another step towards its certain, prophesied complete destruction through the very God whom it claims to represent. Within one hour it will be destroyed, so if you are still in it: come out of her, or you will partake in her destruction!

If you have been abused yourself, I pray that you will find grace to forgive; if you have failed, repent and seek forgiveness from God – He wants you to turn to Jesus, not to a “church” whose leaders do not know him! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ukraine, war and the mercy of God


Putin, the Orthodox church and nationalism in Russia and elsewhere

               You can also view the video and read the article at

My comment:

As President of Russia and former KGB-agent in communist times, you would expect Vladimir Putin to be an atheist. This video from Aljazeera shows a different picture. It examines the relationship between the Russian Orthodox church and the Russian government, and takes a close look at a very nationalistic movement that aims to revive the Russian empire to former glory. Sounds familiar? Right - it sounds like "Make America great again", just under a different flag. It might just explain the disturbing Trump-Putin connection. It certainly does illustrate what happens if the church embraces the use of weapons and force for whatever reason: It can no longer be distinguished from any other secular stream in societies, and ultimately even leads to one part of the "church" fighting wars against another. It is a church without any spiritual power, striving for the things of this world, not compelling any onlooker to repent and turn to Christ, because Jesus is not in it whatsoever. All that´s left is a sense of moral superiority and a wrong sense of being the cure to the problems of the world, while nothing could be further from the truth!