The Bible leaves no room for doubt: Practicing homosexuality
is sin. So how could God possibly redeem same-sex attraction? I am convinced
that same-sex attraction is a gift, rather than a curse. But, like every gift
that God has given, we can either use it for good, according to God's purpose
and for his glory; or we can use it for our own, selfish and, in the long-run,
harmful purposes according to the lies of the enemy. So the answer to our
question is actually rather simple: God wants people, who feel attracted to
their own gender, to love people of their own gender with His love. What
God created to be an expression of his own father-heart, Satan wants to pervert
and reduce to a sexual level, just as he is trying to reduce the love between a
man and a woman to a mere sexual experience. Most Christians are aware that the
relationship between a married couple is supposed to be much more than just a
god-sanctioned boundary for sex, but a picture and a reflection of Christ's
love for his bride, the church. In a similar way, God intended the love between
two men to be an expression and a demonstration of the love of God the Father
for his Son, Jesus. The sexual confusion of our days, which is really nothing
new, but has existed since biblical times (see Sodom
and Gomorrah ),
shows how far the enemy has succeeded in deceiving mankind to believe his lies.
When Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit, they found it
had not only looked delicious, but it actually was. To this day,
there is some kind of pleasure in sin – that is why it is so attractive
to us. But not only are there negative long-term consequences of sin, but the
rewards of trusting and obeying God's instructions far outweigh the pleasures
of sin. Adam and Eve were not scolded for thinking that the fruit was delicious,
but because they did not believe God that it would be better for them if they
abstained from eating it. That is the nature of all temptation: it promises us
some kind of gratification, but it covers up the fact that it will not really
satisfy our deeper need. And this need is the presence of God, His blessing, His
glory and His delight in us. So don't be afraid if you face temptation, because
you have the opportunity to get one step closer to what you are really looking
for – if you resist the temptation! Giving in, on the other hand, will take you
one step further away from the One who is the only one who can fulfill
your deepest desires. If you know that you have not really found what
you are looking for, and many of you do know that, then don't despair
but simply turn to Jesus, repent and start to follow him. He is waiting to
fulfill your greatest dreams and longings. He wants to give you life, abundant
life, a hope and a future. Come now and taste and see that the Lord is good!